Virtual Torchella

Determined not to let 2020 pass without an edition of Torchella, we decided to run the Music Festival virtually this year. We were hugely impressed with the enthusiasm and adaptability shown by the students in contributing to this, so much so that we ended up with over an hour and a half’s worth of music broadcast on the final day of term via the school website. You can enjoy it again below!

The challenges of recording bands live resulted in a larger number of solo performances than usual, giving students the opportunity to really showcase their skills – I shouldn’t mention individuals but check out in particular the dance tracks from James Johnson, the sheer speed of Jude Ellacott’s xylophone beaters, and the multi-talented songwriting talent that is Samuel Newman.

Some bands found imaginative ways to play together, be it socially distanced performances outside the Stable Block, or multi-tracking audio and video (see the very impressive Year 11 Jazz Quartet).

A new take on a Music Festival, but a highly enjoyable way to end the school year.

Virtual Sports Day 2020 – News

Following what has been a strange time for everybody, the PE department decided to ensure one of the school’s annual flagship events maintained its place on the school calendar. Even though a little different in makeup, the staff planned a series of events that could be accomplished by students at home, hoping to stir up the traditional competitive and community spirit amongst the houses.

The day was set for 16 July, the penultimate day of term, as an opportunity for students and staff to start the summer wind-down. Yet students and staff gave their all through the day. After each event was launched at a set time, almost all year 7-10 students (and most staff!) took part, uploading their times, distances, and photos, as tutors and Heads of House cheered from the side lines (virtually, over Microsoft Teams), whilst the PE staff collated the scores, live on the website with running totals and virtual medal awarding. The only thing missing was the ice-cream van.

Sports Day began with a video opening ceremony from Mr Prince (his 24th and last sports day at Ïã¸ÛÍõÖÐÍõÂÛ̳×ÊÁÏ), followed by 5 events spread out over the course of the day, including Mr Adderley’s 20-minute run challenge, Mr Passenger’s paper throw, Mr Last’s rapid jump, Mr Porter’s TriFit, and Mr Hunt’s standing long jump.

Mr Lawrence conducted the closing ceremony through an online video, announcing Gilbert as the winning sports-day house for 2020. Well done to the competitors from all houses for giving their best, right up to the end of the term! You can see a few action shots in the highlight reel below.

Davys House Online Assembly 3

In response to the last challenge, pupils and staff have chosen a film of their choice and portrayed it in a manner of the choosing: photograph, art, music and drama.